About the Series

PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs and Student Television Network investigate how schools across the country are rethinking what it means to feel safe and be safe at school.


Our Lab in Hartford, Connecticut interviewed the architects of the new Sandy Hook School and report on how the building aims to rehabilitate the community by being both welcoming and top of the line with embedded security features hidden by natural features.

Editors: Kyle Van Dam and Tikeyah Whittle
Interviewers: Marc Schielein and Kareemah Muhammad
Narrator: Robert Trotta
Videographers: Matt Fahey, Kareemah Muhammad, Wilfredo Rivera, Karren Saldi, Kyle Van Dam and Tikeyah Whittle
Writers: Ayeisha Priester, Kyle Van Dam and Tikeyah Whittle

SRL advisers: Paul Pfeffer and Tikeyah Whittle

Produced with mentor support from Connecticut Public Broadcasting.