Teacher Feature January 2025: Nancy Montoya

Nancy Montoya teaches journalism at the University of Arizona and Utterback Middle School in Tucson, Arizona. She is also the Senior Reporter for Immigration and Border Issues at Media Source America, which provides content to PBS, CNN, and ABC.
With more than 45 years of experience in major market and network newsrooms, Nancy has held roles as a reporter and producer at stations including KDKA (Pittsburgh), KDFW (Dallas), KUSA (Denver), WSOC (Charlotte), WSMV (Nashville), and in Tucson at KGUN-TV, KOLD-TV, and KVOA-TV.
Nancy’s work has earned her six Emmy Awards, a Peabody Award, and several other international broadcast honors. She and her husband, fellow producer Kirt Ijams, share two sons and co-own Media Source America, which produces independent documentary projects.
Discover Nancy’s favorite tools, pro tips, and the impactful ways she’s used StoryMaker resources to transform a school and inspire an entire neighborhood in the Q&A below.
How long have you been using StoryMaker or SRL resources in your classroom? Since 2015
What’s your favorite StoryMaker lesson(s)? My favorites have been the lessons that deal with elections and fact-checking. I found that my middle school students and high school students had plenty to say. Their insights were mind-blowing.
What’s a media-making tool or resource you can’t live without? On remote locations for my upcoming podcast, I love my Zoom 6. But I also own a Zoom 4,5 and 8. In the studio, it is a RODEcaster Pro. Sometimes you need more than an idea and talent to be successful. You also need the right gear.
You recently retired from teaching at the University—congratulations! Now, you’re volunteering at a school. Can you tell us more about that? I just can’t REALLY retire, so I have volunteered to work with one of the most disadvantaged schools in the Tucson Unified School District, Utterback Middle School.
A group of professionals in our community have thrown our collective arms around the school that was failing “F” grade from the Arizona Department of Education and scheduled for closure.
That was then. Now because of new programs and an unbelievably effective principal, Utterback has recently been rated a “B” school and is serving as a vibrant community gathering place with programs for parents and families as well. Utterback has become an AVID School!
I have brought the SRL and StoryMaker resources to the school and together with the Journalism teacher, we have created a Journalism Class in a 20 X 40 classroom. Channel 4 (the Tucson NBC) affiliate has donated sets for the studio and a ton of equipment.
This is a neighborhood dear to my heart. It is 95% Hispanic and Native American enrollment. The school has one of the largest immigrant student bodies in the borderlands region. We teach all SRL classes in a mix of English and Spanish. We are working on a story around the immigrant experience.
What’s a dream story you’d like to report on or a person you’d like to interview?
I would love to have an interview with Donald Trump on a truth serum!
What are you currently listening to? I listen to a wide range of news-related and current event podcasts. Right now I’m also learning more about Adult ADHD to help me and my son. It can be a bit heavy at times, but getting to the facts and truths—no matter how uncomfortable—is important. As the old saying goes, “the truth hurts,” but it can also be enlightening.
Fun facts about you? In the 1970’s I was the first Latina to be an on-air reporter in Tucson. The GM wanted me to change my name from Montoya to Martin because it sounded too ethnic; I refused! I was also the first Latina Baton Twirler (National Champion) at the University of Arizona where the band director wanted me to wear a blond wig to match the others on the line. I refused again. Today, being Hispanic is a great advantage, especially being fluent in Spanish. My how times have changed. However, I fear we are heading backwards, in terms of equality to a time I would rather leave in the past.
Anything else we should know? Coming in April 2025: I’m serving as the podcast host and executive producer of NPR’s The Third Nation: From the U.S./Mexico Borderlands. Stay tuned!
You can reach out to Nancy directly to learn more about how she’s adapted StoryMaker into her classes. Email her at: NancyMontoya@arizona.edu. Plus, check out her work here: Nancy Montoya Reports and follow here.