SRL Partner Station of the Month: November 2015

Saturday, October 3, 2015, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tisch WNET Studio at Lincoln Center
NJTV and WNET are our stations of the month!
Check out what Vice President of Education Carole Wacey and Emmy-nominated correspondent Lauren Wanko had to say about the recognition.
What is your reaction to finding out NJTV and WNET were selected as SRL partner stations of the month?
Carole Wacey: As big fans of SRL, it is an honor to have NJTV, WNET and Lauren Wanko recognized for our partnership. Lauren is an outstanding reporter and has gone above-and-beyond to be a terrific mentor to the students of Philip’s Academy. We are so pleased that the students are able to benefit from the expertise, leadership and creativity that she shares with them.
Lauren Wanko: I am so honored to serve as mentor too! Every mentor session, I leave feeling more and more amazed. The students are so dedicated and determined to excel. I am so proud when we view their work. They are growing every day because of this experience.
In your opinion, why is it important for public media stations to work with young public media professionals like those who participate in SRL?
Carole Wacey: At WNET, our mission is Media with Impact. There is no better way to have an impact on our local community than to work with students who are informed and engaged citizens producing original video reporting.
Lauren Wanko: Many of these students may be future correspondents, producers, editors or photographers. They are getting field experience and professional instruction before they even get to college. The mentor partnership also has an incredible impact on those who don’t want to pursue the industry. Our students are constantly thinking about the challenges we face in this world on a daily basis and how current events are affecting our lives.