SRL teams up with Snapchat and MediaWise

Earlier this year,  a news article from the Atlantic revealed that Instagram is the “Internet’s new home for hate.” Viral conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and misinformation are thriving on one of the most popular platforms for teens. So how can student reporters help other young people understand the effects and impact of misinformation?  

SRL teamed up with Snapchat and MediaWise for two special national stories on the platform’s Discover page about student experiences with misinformation, and the skills they need to be smarter consumers of news and information.

First, we participated in a story to mark International Fact-Checking Day on April 2. Snapchat published voices from students about their personal experiences with misinformation and how the skills they learn through SRL and journalism can inoculate them against unreliable and sometimes dangerous sources of information.

In September, SRL teamed up with Snapchat and MediaWise again in a ‘Back to School’ story to raise awareness about the effects of spreading rumors and misinformation. Watch as several SRL’ers appeared on the “Going Viral” national story here.