Station Spotlight | SRL partnerships highlighted on local broadcasts
As the school year comes to an end, we would like to give special thanks to our partner stations who have taken SRL to the next level. These stations are featuring SRL reports on their broadcast, website and even creating curriculum for students based on the hard work and professional productions that our Labs produce. Much of the hard work that goes into a student-produced SRL piece would not be possible without the experience, knowledge and time given generously by our mentor stations. There are many more stations who act as these advocates do, and we are incredibly grateful to all the mentor stations for the inspiring work they do every day.
PBS Charlotte recently highlighted the work of SRLs in its community in a piece they produced for their show, Carolina Impact. General Manager Amy Burkett consistently makes a point of calling attention to the value of youth media, giving students a sense of the weight and value of their stories on a local broadcast.
South Florida PBS has featured SRL in a variety of ways, airing pieces from our Power In Numbers series on their broadcast and bringing on students to discuss their contributions to this year’s Making It Work content feature. They have been featured as our Station Spotlight in the past for their ongoing work to make students voice’s a priority.
Maine Public continues to prioritize youth content. SRL pieces produced by students at Mid-Maine Technical Center in Waterville are featured on their website and there are plans to air two pieces from this year’s Making It Work series, and another coming from Power in Numbers.
Rhode Island PBS has found an innovative way to incorporate three Making it Work pieces from Blackstone-Millville Regional High School into a part of the local district’s high school curriculum. Using connections with social studies departments in the area, they are working to integrate the reports into a curriculum focused on the history and value of reclaiming forgotten mills.