All Newsletters

We stand with you.

June 2020 - Monthly Newsletter

As movements for racial equality grow, SRL will continue to provide educational resources on race and justice and use our platform to uplift youth voices from diverse and underrepresented communities.

We stand against racism and the pervasive inequalities facing BIPOC communities in our society. SRL was created to empower the voices of young people who are left out of important conversations.

Our community is intended to be a brave place where students search for deeper understanding and feel comfortable sharing their experiences, perspectives and solutions through their journalism and video storytelling work.

Congrats to our 2020 grads ?

May 2020 - Monthly Newsletter

To the Class of 2020, we wish you all the best. We know this has been a particularly tough time, but we know that through it, you will rise up and come out of this more resilient than ever. ?? #inthistogether

Happy Earth Day! ???

April 2020 - Monthly Newsletter

Listen to what these teens have to say about climate change, watch our interview with youth climate activist Greta Thunberg, and check out our new series featuring several pieces focusing on climate solvers in local communities. ?

Feeling the love ?

February 2020 - Monthly Newsletter

We hope you had a wonderful February.
SRL felt the ?all month long!

2020 is here!

January 2020 - Monthly Newsletter

Happy 2020! We can’t believe it’s here.

But we have a lot in store for you, and can’t wait to get started!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

December 2019 - Monthly Newsletter

We are so grateful to you for supporting our vision to build the next generation of informed media creators and consumers. As we close out this amazing decade, we wish you a very festive and splendid season. ? See you in 2020!