
How a 9th-grader’s letter to Gwen Ifill inspired an entire school

This April, Gwen Ifill received a letter that began: “Dear Ms. Ifill, I hope you remember me, but if you do not, my name is Sophie Sabin.” That letter became a catalyst to an inspirational moment for hundreds of middle school students in Newark, New Jersey, today. Sophie admired Ifill for years… Read More

SRL reporter interviews New Jersey Senator Cory Booker

What do you do if you're a 12-year-old journalist and you cross paths with a high-profile U.S. Senator? If you're Student Reporting Labs reporter Isabel Evans, you snag an interview. Isabel, a student at Phillip's Academy Charter School in Newark, and her colleagues interviewed New Jersey Senator Cory Booker during a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the launch of the state's newest public television station, NJTV. Read More

The whistleblower

What does it take for a student to realize that a friend is planning something dangerous and take action? The students at Cedar Crest High School in Lebanon, Pennsylvania talk to the whistleblower, principal and police officer who followed up on the information that most likely prevented a tragedy and led to a trial. Read More

Designing Hawaii schools that keep out danger and let in nature

On Maui, schools with multiple buildings are designed to withstand natural forces, not intruders. But in the wake of Columbine, Sandy Hook and other school shootings, administrators must find ways to balance security with nurturing learning environments. Student Television Network correspondent Sydney Dempsey reports, part of our ongoing Student Reporting Labs series 'The New Safe.' Read More

How an elementary school moves on after a shooting

In 2010, a gunman attacked an elementary school playground in suburban San Diego. Four years later, students from nearby Carlsbad High School visited the school to see how the community is healing, interviewing teachers and students on camera for the first time. This is story is part of a NewsHour Student Reporting Labs series on school safety through the eyes of young people. Read More

The New Safe: stories from the frontlines of school safety

What does it mean to feel safe and be safe at school? This month marks the anniversaries of the shootings at Columbine and Virginia Tech. And while the continuous news cycle can make school shootings seem like an epidemic, below the surface, school communities are changing and rethinking ways to protect students. PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs and the Student Television Network asked scholastic broadcast journalism programs across the United States to tell their own stories. Read More