
Actor Denzel Washington Discusses Dropout Epidemic

The NewsHour's Gwen Ifill recently interviewed actor Denzel Washington about his work with at-risk youth. This piece is part of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's American Graduate project, of which Student Reporting Labs is a part. Read More

PBS Student Reporting Labs Embraced at ISTE Conference

Almost 18,000 educators and exhibitors attended the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) annual conference and exhibition at the Pennsylvania Convention Center June 26-29. Among the participants were 1,152 presenters and 940 international attendees from 63 countries. During Monday’s Student Reporting Labspresentation and panel discussion, teachers and educators watched the students’ work and asked questions about the process and the benefits of using journalism as a form of interactive learning. Read More

Youth Drop Out Panel: Community Support is Key to Graduation

“Checking In On Dropping Out” is a collaborative project by PBS NewsHour’s Student Reporting Labs and People Production House’s Radio Rootz program. Many of the Radio Rootz journalists come from so-called “dropout factories” where only 60 percent of students finish in four years.  Their reporting investigates why… Read More

eSchool News Picks Reporting Labs as ‘Featured Site’

The Student Reporting Labs site is spotlighted as eSchool News featured website of the week. (ESchool News, a monthly newspaper that focuses on technology and education, spotlights websites that successfully utilize technology and the Internet to transform U.S. schools and help them meet educational goals. Read More

PBS NewsHour Visits West High School

Representatives from the NewsHour recently spent a day at West High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. West High students are participating in the Reporting Labs program for the second year, and they shared insights about their experiences and the reporting process with the NewsHour team. Read More

The PBS NewsHour Spends a Day at Austin High School

In May 2010, NewsHour Extra headed to the Southwest for a visit to Austin High School and to attend the annual PBS convention. Students collaborated with mentors from the local PBS affiliates KLRU and KUT. It was lunchtime, so pizza was plentiful. The students also visited the PBS annual conference, where one of the reporters caught up with PBS President and CEO Paula Kerger (without realizing who she was). Read More