We take a sneak peek at a new PBS program, “America Outdoors,” which is premiering on July 5. The six-part series is hosted by bestselling author and outdoor enthusiast Baratunde Thurston. Student Reporting Labs podcast host Zion Williams spoke with Thurston to learn more.
Ken Burns film explores youth mental health
Awareness of mental health across all spectrums of the population has been growing after years living in the COVID pandemic. But there are particular concerns about the youngest generations. Those topics are explored in Ken Burns’ film, “Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness,” which airs Monday night on PBS. Student Reporting Labs’ Matt Suescun and Faiza Ashar spoke to Burns to learn more.
PBS NewsHour
New Visions students share ‘Coming to America’ video project
Throughout the spring 2022 semester, WSKG Education partnered with students in Broome-Tioga BOCES New Visions Law & Government Academy as they embarked on a video project focused on immigration.
Students speak out about the impact gun violence has on their daily lives
Tragically, school shootings have become all too common in America. While the attack at a Uvalde elementary school is the deadliest in nearly a decade, it’s also the 27th school shooting this year alone. Our national network of young reporters who are part of our Student Reporting Labs asked their fellow students what adults should know about growing up in this era of gun violence in schools.
PBS NewsHour
Baltimore County Student Hosts PBS Podcast to Highlight Mental Health Challenges Teenagers Face
A 16-year-old Baltimore County high school student is hosting the second season of a podcast about the mental health challenges teenagers are facing today.
Faiza Ashar, an Eastern Technical High School student, was selected to host the new season of the podcast called On Our Minds, which is created by the PBS Newshour’s Student Reporting Labs and WETA’s Well Beings campaign.