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Navigating Youth Media Landscapes

The tween and teen years are critical as youth explore and begin to form their identities. With [this new report], the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting seek to more deeply understand the current media habits of tweens and teens in order to envision a future of public media that equips young people to participate and thrive in today’s complex world.


Sesame Street Workshop

Young People Find a Voice in Public Media

The COVID-19 pandemic shut down American schools. A month later, the PBS NewsHour aired a segment featuring teenagers from across the country. How were they were deal­ing with social distancing?


ACTE - Association for Career & Technical Education

Unlearning Thanksgiving: Centering Indigenous Youth Voice | Part 2

In recognition of November being Native American Heritage month, PBS Newshour Student Reporting Labs gathered perspectives from Native American students on what Thanksgiving means to them, and the importance of educating others about Native American heritage.

Edward J. Falcon Jr. is from Belcourt, North Dakota on the land of the Turtle Mountain Band of Anishinaabe, and works as a youth engagement specialist in Anchorage, Alaska on the land of Dena’ina, Ełnena, and Dënéndeh peoples.

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