
Saanya Zaidi

“In December of 2019 I had broken my tibia playing soccer, since then it has been going to the doctors every two weeks and going to physical therapy every week. Now in the middle of a pandemic, I can’t go to the doctors or physical therapy. I… Read More

Megan Tanis

“Before the coronavirus happened, when we went to school, I was very stressed and always in a rush it seemed. I didn’t really let myself stop and I was always doing something. But now, all I have is time for myself, I felt my stress level go down… Read More

Students react to news about coronavirus

Students across the SRL network were asked what information they’ve heard regarding coronavirus.  Students from Penn Trafford High School in Pennsylvania, Weaver High School in Connecticut, Hallie Wells Middle School in Maryland, Legacy Early College High School in South Carolina, Maui High… Read More