Meet SRL Alumni

Evan Gulock

We caught up with our favorite YouTuber, Evan Gulock, this month. Evan graduated from Royal Oak High School in Royal Oak, Michigan in 2015 and is now wrapping up his sophomore year at Columbia College Chicago where he studies film and media communications. Evan came to the Student Academy in… Read More

Sophie Sabin

Even though Sophie is not technically an alumnus yet, it sometimes feels like Sophie has been a part of SRL since the beginning. That’s probably because she has been such an important part of the Labs ever since she was just a sixth-grader at Philips Academy Charter School in Newark. In… Read More

Lora Strum

After first getting to know her as a high school student at T.C. Williams in nearby Alexandria, we loved having Lora back for a few months last year when she was hired as a NewsHour Shares news assistant following her graduation from Temple University. Now we’re overjoyed to have her… Read More

2017 SRL Graduates

Every year, we say “goodbye for now” to the graduating members of our reporting labs. We’ll miss their great personalities and enthusiasm, but we know these young voices will continue to develop their skills and self-confidence in journalism or in any other field they decide to pursue. We reached out to several of our… Read More

Kennedy Huff

Left, SRL alum Kennedy Huff on assignment with Student Reporting Labs. Right, Huff on assignment for her campus’ news station. Kennedy Huff’s reports for SRL are original, insightful and exemplify the standards of journalism that all professionals aspire to. Not only is she an SRL Academy Fellow, but her … Read More

Nick Weiss

The summer before his freshman year of college at Penn State University, SRL  alumnus Nick Weiss interned at WITF in Lebanon, Pennsylvania where he produced a piece investigating opiate addiction in his hometown. At the time, it provided a window into what is now one of the largest epidemics facing our country. We… Read More

Devin Newby

Devin Newby was one of SRL’s very first fellows who traveled to Washington D.C. back in 2014 for our student academy. At the time, his teacher, Julie Tiedens, said, “Devin is a rare student. As a high school junior, he has some of the best news leadership skills I’ve seen. Read More

John Dargan

Since interning with Student Reporting Labs and NewsHour Extra in 2012, John Dargan has worked with some of the most-recognized names in television and the Internet. What have you been up to since SRL? Since being an intern at PBS NewsHour I’ve worked in television and digital journalism. Read More

Keenan Penn II

As the only student to attend three SRL summer academies, Keenan Penn II, is a bonafide SRL veteran. This spring, Keenan will graduate from Fraser High School in the greater Detroit area. SRL asked Keenan to reflect on how his experience as a student reporter shaped his high school experience and… Read More

Alexis Davis

Alexis Davis, a member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in Belcourt, North Dakota, had never been out of her community or flown on a plane before she traveled to SRL’s Student Academy in 2016. Alexis is dedicated to teaching others about her culture, history and how to… Read More