Berkeley professor explores how environmental factors like poverty influence brain development Youth Beat Oakland, CA
An unlikely passion turns into mentorship for future engineers Maui Waena Intermediate School Kahului, HI
Edible Peace Patch helps students cultivate healthy diets through garden-based education Academy Prep Center of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg, FL
Alaskan youth outreach worker helps teens experiencing homelessness Alaska Teen Media Institute Anchorage, AK
Recovered drug addict creates organization to help others recover Black River Falls High School Black River Falls, WI
San Antonio council works to combat childhood obesity Communications Arts High School San Antonio, TX
At Bit of Hope Ranch, horses and technology make therapy more effective for troubled youth Forestview High School Gastonia, NC
Michigan doctor explains how her hospital provides care for children with cancer Royal Oak High School Royal Oak, MI
Gardening organization services entire community with organically grown food Free Spirit Media Chicago, IL