
Reporting Labs teachers reflect on program impact

Earlier this year, Student Reporting Labs welcomed 14 teachers from various Reporting Labs sites across the country to participate in our annual mini-conference. During their stay, teachers participated in several workshops and team-building discussions. In the end, the teachers felt renewed and excited, our team learned new ways to improve the program, and many long-lasting friendships were made. Read More

Brooklyn Reporting Lab discusses school engagement

NewsHour Extra traveled to New York to meet with 9th graders in Adam Mendola's English class at Brooklyn Community Arts and Media high school. As a 2011-2012 Student Reporting Lab, the students are currently working on video projects about school engagment and retention. Read More

Florida news outlets report on John Hopkins video

Three local news channels in St. Petersburg, Fla. recently reported on the video that John Hopkins Middle School students made for Student Reporting Labs about chronic fighting at their school. ABC Channel 11, CBS Channel 10 and FOX 13 all visited instructor Luanne Dietz's classroom and interviewed students about producing the video.[This video is no longer available.] Read More

Iowa Reporting Labs Students Report on Caucuses

Students from Shenandoah, Iowa are busy making a video report about the Iowa Caucuses for Student Reporting Labs. Recently, they attended the famed first event in the presidential primaries and blogged about the experience at Read More

Actor Denzel Washington Discusses Dropout Epidemic

The NewsHour's Gwen Ifill recently interviewed actor Denzel Washington about his work with at-risk youth. This piece is part of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's American Graduate project, of which Student Reporting Labs is a part. Read More